Monday, February 21, 2011

The Gift (from 9/8/2001)

It has happened again. One of those moments I have that won't be forgotten. Once my family was friendly with another family that had children the same age. We participated in our children's sports together and generally hung out at the events. As we grew to know each other, I found that the father and mother were very modest, in fact I had known them for a while before I found out that the nursery they owned was in fact a chain, like Home Depot. Once I realized they were wealthy beyond my wildest imagination and just visiting us normal folks, I changed and felt a little jealous that I could never provide for my family like that or give gifts they could afford to buy. My life was changed again when we were invited to their house for dinner.
She cooked everything from scratch and he doted on us like the perfect host. I thought, what more could anyone give you than their time and love? She could have called the best caterer and have them bring one of everything without blinking, but instead we ate family style, and every bit of it was authentic food that she had made.
Note to myself: Make sure my kids get that lesson as well!"