Wednesday, May 20, 2015

61 Years On The Planet!

Here it is! It is the time of life I was waiting for. I worked and saved, got hit by the layoff and then: 6 months of the best times ever. And now...I go to work Tuesday. It's not a job by my definition, it is a "Project". In my mind, contract work is a project. I think that there are recruiting folks that would say working without benefits is the new career, but I think it is just a reflection of the bad times.
My new rule? Do not become dependent upon an employer. I actually knew this a while back, but now I'm living my rule. Money that I make will be socked away for the next rainy day that is sure to come.
On the positive side, the Project sounds exciting and I'd like to put my skills to the test. The people are great and I have the Prius for the long commute. The only true unknown is what the I-4 construction will be like. The newspaper is describing the near future as hell-on-wheels, and I will be driving right through the mess...and that's why I call it a 'Project'.
Music seems to be in a holding pattern, while I am surfing, fishing, and being outdoors all that I possibly can. This morning, I am so sore from two weeks at the beach, that I am almost ready for a rainy day to recover. My surfing is reaching a level that I thought once would never happen. I just needed the right equipment and enough days of surfing in a row to hone my skills.
Crazy thing....I still cannot see 6 months into the future...and I am used to it now. I'm working at being right in the moment and just enjoying the now...pretty easy to do when your life is at the beach!