Thursday, December 9, 2010

What The Flu Is Good For

Man, if you ever needed a reason to quit complaining, a good bout of the flu will do it. I'm finally starting to feel myself again. Do you remember feeling so sick that you didn't even care about what you were missing? It didn't matter if it was the prettiest day of the year, all I could think of is, what if you never got better? What if the rest of my life was feeling that bad?
I'm starting to feel cheerful now, still coughing enough to make most folks show the sign of the cross and move farther away, and still trying to recall how I could jump up every morning and run 5 miles. Trying to think about how I don't have enough stuff, enough money, the best job, all of those things that just seem to be one big WANT.

Yup, the next time I wake up feeling like a good 5 mile run, I'm going to remember that THAT is the thing I really wanted...

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