Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Music Mining..

One of the greatest feelings is finding something that you thought was forever lost. I remember this really strange album from back in the 1970's and dug through my old album covers and there it was. Scratched and warped, I thought all was lost until I found that someone else liked them enough to upload videos and the songs to youtube. The Man In The Jar
Back then I didn't understand how this music made sense but was so different than what else I was hearing at the time. I found a wiki about the Sensational Alex Harvey Band and finally I learned what I needed to know: he had spent a lot of time working with the Theater musical: Hair. When you think of Hair, Jesus Christ Superstar and other rock music theater of the time, then the band's music makes much more sense. The music was created before we had music videos, but his music needed the visual element. I then found that Alex Harvey died in 1982 at 47 years of age. Maybe this is one of those examples where your work lives on after you die and it is possible that the new fans will appreciate the music more than the people of the 1970's...

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