Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sleeping below 30 degrees and making friends with the animals

I fully admit that I was a little afraid of trying to sleep the night in a tent in the woods when the weatherman was telling us there was a freeze warning and we were not allowed to have a fire.
We decided to have a charcoal fire anyway and the ranger came to check on us and make sure that we knew that it was going to be in the 20's that night. I was already shivering in my big coat and gloves, standing next to the fire. It seemed like the temperature was dropping quickly and I wasn't at all sure I could sleep or even if my truck would be a warmer alternative. It was about then that we noticed 3 rather large raccoons wandering in and out of the dark, going to check the door of my dad's heated camper (that had no room for me!) and inching in closer to our group, as if wanting to be near the fire (or food!).
I grabbed a cup of hot chocolate and finally made my way to my tent and the sleeping bag and quilt that turned out to be plenty warm as long as I kept it zipped up. I came bolt wide awake about an hour later, hearing sounds in my tent and finding that my cup of cocoa was spilled and a really big raccoon heading back out of the tent. I zipped the tent up tight, but he came back two more times and finally, it was leaving a lantern on the rest of the night that kept him out. I guess this was really more his campsite than mine, and chocolate tastes just as good to a raccoon as it does to a frozen Florida boy.

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