Thursday, July 16, 2009

Foxhole Faith

I sat there alone in the dark, watching one of the most dimly lit movies I can remember. The movie is Passengers, and it is full of the feeling that 'none of this is real' and the main character is going to wake up in the psycho ward, or dead. I'm thinking to myself that this has been done before, and there is no afterlife and it is all a bunch of hooey. I chuckled to myself there in the dark, knowing quite well that not more than 90 minutes before I was singing quite a different tune....
I was a mile from home when it hit hard. If life is at all like the movies, then there had been plenty of foreshadowing of this. Articles in the paper about local deaths from lightning, movies with people getting hit by lightning. But, I was sure that the storm was still a ways off and would probably just go around, and, like many people that do unhealthy things in the name of health, I found myself running full blast in a hail storm. Yes, in order to curb my weight, and prove my fitness, I was most likely going to have to purchase new $150 running shoes, new $300 cell phone, and new $250 ipod. Plus, I remembered some story about a guy's earphones burned into his ears from a lightning strike. I quickly yanked the earphones off. Running in the rain sure was fun. I kept telling myself that the lightning was still far away, until it started cracking all around me. I felt just like a soldier trying to dodge bullets while running across an empty field. The goal had been 5 miles, and I had completed a mile and a half when the storm hit. I turned for home and realized that I really had a problem. For some strange reason, I can easily remember repeatedly looking at my heartrate monitor and seeing 163 bpm, while hail bounced crazily off the watch. Was that from how fast I was running or how scared I was? I opened up the direct line to God, making promises about how I would do better, and never again even think about running when it was thundering out.
Then I got home, dried out the shoes, the phone, and the ipod. Turned on the movie and felt superior to a film about supernatural events.
...btw, seriously God, just in case you're listening. Thanks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your are too much! I want to hear about the 7 hour paddle and how you talked to God on that one.