Friday, February 5, 2010

It's All Fun And Games Until...

We got the news yesterday and this morning it was plastered on the front page of the newspaper: South Florida Kiteboarder killed by pack of sharks. Only now, they're saying it was a lone shark acting independently and the other sharks were hanging around after. A lifeguard spotted the guy in trouble and paddled out and brought him back in, but the guy died before they could get him to the hospital.
I suppose that will be the end of the story, but I can't help but think about the balls that lifeguard must have. To paddle out into a pack of sharks on your surfboard and try to drag a bloody person back to shore? Maybe the man did not survive, but that doesn't change what it took to go out there and help. I'm trying to imagine standing on the shore, seeing the guy yelling for help and noticing the fins circling him and going out there anyway. I hope there are a lot more lifeguards like that guy!

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