Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Campfire

We are having a real experience here, with some of the coldest weather in my memory. Today, I could go surfing early, but the ocean temperature is still in the 50's and the last trip, I sat in the water shivering in my full wetsuit with gloves, booties, and hood! The only good part is that the cold really thins out the crowd, and the next few days we expect some very good waves.
The cold reminds me of last year and our camping trip at Blue Springs, where we found ourselves standing close to a small campfire, trying to stay warm in 20 degree weather. Your front and hands stayed warm, but anything facing away from the fire got the chill. The thought of leaving the fire and trying to sleep in the tent was not enticing.
This comes to mind now as our family and friends draw together in some of the worst times that anyone can remember. In spite of some good indicators showing the economy is improving, people are losing jobs and homes. Prices are still high and everybody is pretty much hanging on, hoping to get through this. What is on the increase is desperate behavior. More robberies, more backstabbing at work, and more repair guys that take your money and run.
What does put a smile on my face is that we still have the fire burning here and having my family around it with us.

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