Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Cold Day In December

It's been a long time since I have written. The waves have been bad for every weekend for more than a month now and the last time I could have surfed, I was recovering from have a bit of skin cancer removed from my head. Today is the first day this season that I had to wear a coat to work, almost a 40 degree drop in temperature in one day. I guess that it is days like these that make us appreciate how balmy it usually is in Florida. I'm actually enjoying the cold today, but it did prevent me from running this morning. If I had this weather for a few weeks, I'd probably go out anyway, but a cold day here and there means a day of rest once in a while. Before the cold came, I was working on a new plan; running 5 miles and then paddleboarding around the lake...all before work in the morning. I found that by getting up at 4am, I could do this and really enjoyed the outdoors before the 9 hour day of computer work. The only problem is that it leaves me sleepy by 8pm at night...we will see how long this lasts...

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