Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Top 5 Things That Need To Change Before 2012

Seriously? You really believe that I would steep so low as to create a headline that would pull in more readers? Maybe I should have put something about Casey Anthony or Michelle Parker in the title too....sheesh! Still no surf, but upcoming camping trip with the boys looks to hold decent weather, and it IS near the beach. Maybe I'll bring the surfboard along just in case. Anyway I will attempt a list, just so I cannot be accused of deception: 1) I need to quit wanting more stuff - the house is overflowing, the attic is overflowing...I need to just play with the toys I have. 2) I need to use my mornings more wisely. I'm getting up earlier, but I seem to spend a lot of it puttering around, surfing on the web, etc. 3) I need to get back into making music...I don't know, slump or what, but I need to snap out of it. 4) I need to spend more time enjoying the current moment and less dreaming about the future...or worrying about it. 5) I need to be more inventive with my blogs!

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