Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Finding Peace

"Because Daddy would rather spend it on his bimbo!"
Words overheard while working in the yard, wishing I had my iPod and was listening to some good tunes instead of the neighbors. It has been a real eye-opener, watching the woods around us turn into McMansions. Watching the dirt road get paved and then watching the parade of fancy cars for the big parties, and then watching the For Sale signs go up, soon becoming "Reduced" and "Pre-forclosure" and then finally hearing the arguing couples.
The downturn in the economy has been a favor to me, showing me what was real and what was pretend. My family, the mountains and the beach, those are all real and they stayed the same, regardless of how much money we have or things we possess. I've decided to invest in the one thing that matters besides that, and that is my health.
I said "Good Morning!" as I saw my neighbor walking her dog the other day and she just glared at me. I don't blame her, I just wish she could take a trip to the mountains...

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