Friday, March 14, 2014

On The Edge Of The Seat

Ah, my favorite place to be: sitting on the edge of my seat. Nothing is settled, everything is ready, but nothing is in motion. It's like the time before a soccer match. Anything could happen today, but please don't let it end in PKs!
Sometimes it kind of sneaks up on me. I look in the mirror and this really old guy looks back at me, nothing much like the little kid that sat in his parent's bedroom, watching the clock and waiting for Santa to arrive. Yet, inside me, that kid is still there, excited about something coming, hoping it is the exciting thing I want, and not just clothes for school.
Actually, when I think about it, the best part of all this is that I still have the potential to get excited, and I am thankful. It all just stretches out like a road in front of me. Not sure where it's going, but I'm plenty interested to see what might be there....

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