Saturday, August 1, 2009

What the Hell?

Man, I have been around a long time and I sure don't get this. The economy is in a slump, business is down, everyone can see it. People have lost jobs and have little hope of getting new ones. And the news, if it says anything close to good, it comes with "a jobless recovery", meaning that businesses might become more profitable, but you still won't be able to buy anything.
On top of that, there is something missing. What happened to 'deals'? Why aren't Corvettes dirt cheap? Why aren't the prices on electronic stuff dropping like crazy? Craigslist, my barometer for life, is nuts right now. Rather than seeing laid-off yuppies dumping their jetskis to pay the rent, I am seeing the crooks out in full force. The phrase "woodwork squeaks and out come the freaks" comes to mind. Used stuff, a lot of it probably stolen shows up on the list, many times for as much as you would pay for it in a store. Is anyone buying this stuff? Is anyone dumb enough to fall for this, or is the real problem that someone is telling these guys "you can double your money on Craigslist"?
I always thought that the good side of a depression was that if you had any cash, you could buy up stuff cheap....another urban myth, methinks.
The truth may be that what really happens in this depression, is that the weak will be separated from their cash.

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