Tuesday, June 30, 2009

At Least I Didn't Try To Guess Her Weight

I could tell as she placed the coffee on the table and her hands shook a little, that she was pretty new to waiting on tables. She was an attractive young woman, with medium length dark hair with bangs and a little girl voice. I estimated her to be in the her mid twenties we were her only table. In fact, we were the only customers at the Grill right then. Sitting in the outdoor cafe of this Golf resort in the middle of nowhere in Idaho. It's truly hard to describe the hours of empty country roads we drove to get there, but about 20 years ago, some investor thought this was a good idea, to put a golf course, fancy houses and some timeshare condos far away from anything. Thank God for my GPS and my absolute belief that it could find the place.
As our waitress backed away from the table, I wondered about this girl and how different her life must be than mine. Did she live on some large farm and feed the horses and cows before she came to work each day? How could she seem so innocent having lived the hard life one would have to live around here? I started thinking along the lines of Gilbert Grape and the urban kid trapped in the hick town. I sat back in the chair and enjoyed the sun setting over the mountains and thought how strange it must be to go each day from this place to some old falling down shack of a house to an abusive father and five brothers and sisters, and a mother that could do nothing but find fault. It must be hard on this girl that was trying to earn enough money to get a bus ticket out of the country and into the world of MTV.
Finally, my wife broke down and asked her about where she lived and I found that she was actually from San Diego, and just got out of the Marines where she had been a jet mechanic. She and her boyfriend had come here to spend the summer with his grandfather while she saved enough money to go back to college.
I sat back and pondered the great meal and decent coffee and my great insight into human beings. Yes, there is a lot you can know from just looking at a person......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, I did not know you were a physic! Your blogs keep me entertained every night.
We leave in the morning for Maggie Valley and will be back on the 11th,