Thursday, June 4, 2009


We went to see UP (the animated movie) and it started off badly...they raised the price again at the movies and even with my discount, I was choking on the cost. We get there just in time and find easy seating, but where's our 3-d glasses? We are quickly clued in that the 3-d version is next door and started 20 minutes ago...fortunately that was 20 minutes of previews and the short film before...unfortunately the only 3 seats left in the theater were in the upper left corner. No matter....all of this left my mind by the first 5 minutes of the movie. All I can say is this is the best movie I have seen this year. I don't know if it hits me differently than the young children in the audience, but the story and pacing was so right on that I was fully involved the whole time.
The previews gave me almost no real idea of what was coming. The movie is not really that funny all the time, more sentimental than anything. The attention to detail was what grabbed me. There was a mantelpiece in the old man's house and at one point in the story they mention that he bought plane tickets to South America for himself and his wife that they never got to use. Later on, you can spot the tickets on the mantle...(oops, got something in my eye just now).
It's worth it to go to the theater, and it's worth it to see it in 3-d....

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