Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I'd Rather You Think I'm a Moron

Boy have I been here before. I can still remember clearly, being somewhere in my 30's, standing in a music store trying to trade in a piece of gear for something new that I thought I needed. The young sales guy took a look at my old junk stuff I wanted to trade and earnestly suggested that I might try taking an ad out in the classified section of the newspaper. I looked up sharply, hoping to spot a trace of sarcasm crossing his face, but his expression was total deadpan. Did he truly think that I had never seen a newspaper, never looked at the used gear ads, got to my 30's without ever selling one thing in the newspaper? I realized then that either he was a idiot, or he thought I was.
Flash forward to the present. I'm now in my mid-fifties and this young hotshot shows me how quickly he could answer my tough question with a google search. I was taken aback once again. Does he really think I could have survived over 15 years in IT without having used google? I can't even think of a day when I didn't do at least one search on it. Continuing in that vein, if you send somebody a link from a google search and pronounce, TA DA!, problem solved....it's probably a good idea if you look at the link and make sure it really does what you think.
On the other hand, I much prefer my adversaries to believe that I am a moron....it comes in handy later.

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