Thursday, December 24, 2009

Being Chased By Shadows

I was up for a long run yesterday. It was to be a five miler on a really nice winter Florida day. The temperature was in the 50's and the sky was as blue as it gets. I had finished over 3 miles of the run at my own leisurely pace, just taking in the day and feeling happy about having a day off from work, when I saw it.
If you knew much about me, you'd know that I'm known more as a soul surfer than as a competitive type, but a number of times lately I had felt challenged when another runner passed me by on the sidewalk. One time it was two ladies that were much older than me and promised myself it would not happen again.
So, there I was just doing my thing, when I saw the shadow of someone behind me, catching up quick. I thought to myself, "Not today, buddy!" and poured on the speed. I was running about as fast as I could and watching my heartrate monitor showing me numbers that I usually never see. I was coming up to the footbridge and knew he could not pass me there, so I ran just a little harder to keep ahead. I passed the bridge and was feeling like I could lay off a bit, but the shadow was creeping up again. The next section was uphill and I started thinking that if this guy was young and in really good shape I could not keep the lead, but I could at least make him wish he had never smoked a day in his life, and then gave it everything I had. I stretched my legs out wide and killed that hill. I knew that I had used up whatever extra energy I had, and was going to have to stop and let this guy take over. At least I wanted to turn around and see him red in the face and burning with the effort it took to pass the bald-headed old guy. I stopped and turned with hands on hips to watch an old man on a bicycle turn and cross the road....

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